I hereby give permission to my child/children to attend Vacation Bible School at Peace Lutheran Church at 203 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade, MT 59714. I the undersigned have legal custody of the child(ren) named below, a minor(s), and give consent for him/her to attend events being organized by Peace Lutheran Church.
I understand that there are inherent risks involved in any ministry or athletic event, and hereby release Peace Lutheran Church, its pastors, employees, agents and volunteer workers from any and all liability for any injury, loss or damage to person or property that may occur during the course of my child’s involvement. Further, I affirm that the information provided on Peace Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School online registration form is accurate at this date for the child(ren) named below.
Should my child require attention of a doctor, immediate or emergency medical care while engaged in an activity at or sponsored by Peace Lutheran Church, in my absence, I hereby grant the Peace Lutheran Church authority to release my child for medical treatment to such medical personnel as the Peace Lutheran Church determines appropriate under the circumstances. I accept personal financial responsibility for any injury or other loss sustained during the activities or programs of Peace Lutheran Church or during transportation to and from such activities and programs, as well as for medical treatment rendered to my child that is authorized by professional medical staff, Peace Lutheran Church, its leaders, employees, volunteers, or agents.
I agree, for myself, my children, my heirs, and my personal representative, to defend, hold harmless, indemnify, release and forever discharge, Peace Lutheran Church, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, insurers, successors, assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action on account of any damage to real or personal property or any personal injury or death that may result from my participation in Peace Lutheran Church activities.
Actives sponsored by Peace Lutheran Church may be photographed or videotaped and Vacation Bible School is considered a public event. I hereby authorize and consent to the use of images or videos my child(ren), with or without name, for purposes including but not limited to: promotional materials, printed publications, internet posts including social media, television, and other media sources owned and operated by Peace Lutheran Church. All information, images, or videos shared on PLC ministry websites or digital media channels aren’t considered confidential. I do this with full knowledge and consent and waive all claims for compensation for use or for damages. I release Peace Lutheran Church its officers, trustees, employees, volunteers, and agents from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with the use of my child’s image. If I wish to opt out of photo/video/media release, a written notice must be emailed to, and filed with the church no later than July 1, 2025: